
Customer Testimonials

Chirovet testimonials:

Mrya West, Horse Owner

“I have had my horse, Doris, for five years. She is a headshaker. In this time I have tried every treatment I could think of and had every veterinary test. Nothing helped and I felt no one wanted to.
I found Julia on the internet as I was looking for an acupuncturist as something else to cross off my long list. She has treated Doris a handful of times with a mix of acupunture, chiropractic and energy treatments. She is extremely quiet and gentle which is exactly how you have to be around her and I could feel she genuinely wanted to help her. She is honest and truthful in what she thinks is happening with your horse and if she thinks she can help you.
In the short time I have known her, she has helped my horse so much I cannot put it into words. I feel privileged to have found her and honoured to know such an amazing person.”

Karen Chaplin, Horse Owner

“We feel so lucky to have found Julia. Her knowledge is vast and she is willing to listen to you as the horse owner and discuss her findings. She keeps our Competition horse in the very best of fitness and health, leaving her able to perform at her best ability.
She doesn’t rush, is extremely confident as well as knowledgeable around the horses and her combination of treatments work wonders. We can’t recommend Julia at Chirovet highly enough. She is a true find!”